It's so lovely to see a garden go from design concept to planted reality. My E9 Romantic Garden design seeks to create a secluded 'secret garden' within a Brutalist London estate.
The 3D visualisation above shows how helpful concepts are at showing clients exactly what their garden will look like.
The Before image below shows the garden, dominated by a large Fig tree and lawn.
My design seeks to create secluded spots and vistas through the multi stem trees with the main patio created using beautiful mixed reclaimed tiles.
Flowering shrubs including Viburnum bodnatense 'Dawn', Syringa 'Josee' and Sambuscus nigra 'Black Lace' form the backdrop of the main planting bed with fragrant climbers including several climbing roses, Trachelospernum jasminoides and Wisteria sinensis softening the new fencing.
The back bed features a multi Amelanchier lamarckii for 3 season interest underplanted with edimentals including Ribes Ben Connan, Tulbaghlia violeca and Allium schoenoprasm.
I look forward to helping this beautiful space to establish over the coming months.