Now that Summer is in full swing, there's plenty to do in the garden. Here's my top jobs for this month.
Cut back hardy Geraniums

Cutting back the flowering stems on your earlier flowering Geraniums should help ensure a second flush later in the season.
2. Water - especially newly planted

I know this Spring and Summer has been much wetter than in recent years but it looks like the next few weeks are going to be very dry,so keep watering, particularly pots and newly planted trees, shrubs and herbaceous.
3. Plant Autumn bulbs

Now is the time to get your Nerines and other Autumn bulbs in for a colourful display later on in the season.
4. Prune Wisteria

It always seems a bit odd to me to be cutting back wispy shoots on Wisteria to 5/6 buds at this time but this prune helps improve air circulation, allowing the flowering stems to become stronger and more productive.
5. Deadhead Roses

Keep on deadheading your roses, cutting the flowering stem just above a leaf. This should encourage further flushes of flowers on your repeat flowering roses.
Enjoy the weekend - it's going to be a scorcher.