I've been working on a new design for an East facing garden in Stoke Newington over the last few weeks which seeks to create visual interest both from beyond and within the garden.

The existing garden is dominated by 3 elements; the evergreen Myrtle tree on the right hand side of the garden, the light green coloured batten trellis and the central lawn which is in poor condition. The current geometric layout is predictable and doesn't provide any focal points or soft edges. The flower beds are too narrow which encourage the plants to flop over the path.

My design introduces curves into the garden, with a large curved flower bed mirroring the canopy of the Myrtle tree, balanced by three smaller curved beds in the other corners.

Passage through the garden is via a paved (repurposing the existing pavers) and gravel path, which leads to 3 focal points around the garden to encourage contemplation and calm. The back left hand bed, which enjoys the best of the sunshine, will contain a multi stem tree and fragrant shrubs and perennials, with a simple bench nestled within.
A simple wildlife pond sited at the back of the garden, where it can be seen from the house and patio, will encourage wildlife into the garden and the existing Nandina domestica will be positioned in between the left hand beds to fully appreciate it's striking and changing foliage throughout the seasons.

The trellis fencing, painted dark grey to match the bi fold doors, will have the double effect of the trellis receding into the background whilst providing a contrasting backdrop to the green, whites and purples of the planting.
Materials will be chosen to match or complement the existing patio and house with either sandstone setts or London stock half brick edging and flint gravel.
I will retain as much of the existing planting (Hydrangea, Choisya, Parthenocissus quinquifolila, Fatsia Japonica) as possible, adding evergreen climbers to the boundaries, shade loving ferns and perennials to the right hand beds and fragrant sub shrubs and perennials to the left hand and back beds.
The trees and architectural plants will be up lit to provide all year night time interest.