As we head into the Easter weekend, it's heating up and plants are springing into bloom all over the place. Here's my top 5 Spring plants for colour and fragrance.
Choisya ternata
A fantastic evergreen shrub for a sunny spot in any soil, Choisya ternata (commonly known as Mexican Orange Blossom) has strongly fragranced white flowers which appear in Spring with a second flush later in the season.
2. Euphorbia amygdaloides robbiae
A really good performer in most soils but thrives in dry shade. It's a really great evergreen foil against other perennials and produces striking lime green bracts at this time of year. Wear gloves when pruning as the white sap can be an irritant.
3. Fritillaria meleagris
The snake skin markings and vibrant purple of this flower make it one of my favourites when they pop up in early Spring. Doesn't like to dry out so make sure you keep them well watered.
4. Brunnera macrophylla 'Jack Frost'
A great plant to brighten up a dark border with it's bright white foliage marking and vibrant blue flowers which appear at this time of year.
5. Clematis armandii
A prolific flowerer with almond fragranced white blooms with a hint of pink, this evergreen climber will cover a wall of fence in 2/3 years from planting. Prefers full sun but will tolerate some shade in any soil. Prune after flowering to maintain size.
Look out for these great performers in a Spring garden near you this weekend.