We're now in mid-Summer and it's really starting to heat up, creating the perfect conditions for our flowering plants.
Here's some jobs to keep your gardening looking healthy and bountiful.
Tie in climbing and rambling roses

Tie in climbing and rambling roses onto trellis or trellis wires as horizontally as possible as this will encourage more flowers over the season.
2. Deadhead roses

Deadhead any spent roses as this will ensure energy goes into creating new buds.
3. Prune early flowering shrubs

Prune late Spring and early Summer flowering shrubs including Choisya, Ceanothus and Wiegela to help encourage a second flush of flowers.
4. Stake and support tall or floppy plants

Tall plants like Veronicastrum, Verbena bonariensis, Delphiniums and Echinops needs staking or supporting to stop them flopping. These simple rusted metal plant supports are subtle enough to not override the plants and can even be a design feature.
5. Prune Clematis Armandii

Prune back Clematis Armandii which have outgrown their space this month.
Enjoy your garden time this June!