Not long to go until the big day. Have you got green fingered or garden appreciating friends or family? But what to buy them? Here's my tips for great Christmas gifts for the gardeners in your life.
A new garden for 2024 designed by Sarah Kay Garden Design

Would someone you know love a new garden in 2024? Vouchers from Sarah Kay Garden Design are available for an Initial Consultation at £200 or an Initial Consultation & Report for £500. Visit the About page on my website for an explanation of these services. Winter is the perfect time to start talking to a designer about a new project.
Niwaki Secateurs

My go-to secateurs are the Niwaki GR Pros. From £79 they are not the cheapest but they are wonderfully ergonomic and robust. Keep in tip top condition with Creanmate, Sharpening Stone and Camelia Oil.

Honestly, I'm not sponsored by Niwaki, I just love their stuff. This canvas pouch which can be attached to a belt or over the shoulder is great for carrying your secateurs, twine or even your phone, whilst you are gardening. £28.

Those lovely people at the Woodland Trust are selling this beautiful bird nester made in collaboration with the World Fair Trade organisation with seagrass and recycled saris. £16.99

I lovely way to draw wildlife into the garden with wildflowers specifically to attract our pollinators. £16.95 from Ethical Superstore