Work started this week on the build of my N5 Secluded Family Garden which employs a 45 degree angle format to create triangular raised planters. This creates visual interest and flow around the garden and surrounds the seating area with plants.

Privacy was the number one priority, especially to the rear and left hand back corners of the garden, which is overlooked by a number of houses. I recommended pleached Carpinus betula trees which will screen the neighbours without taking up too much space in the raised beds.
The pleached trees will be uplit and underplanted with an Eastern inspired planting palette of pinks/purple, whites and greens including Japanese Anemones, Hakonechloa, Astrantia and Vinca minor 'Atropurpurea'.
The right hand triangular bed will have a central focal point of an Acer dissectum 'Tamukeyama' which has a low growing weeping form. This will be underplanted with various types of fern, Astrantia and Ajuga reptans 'Alba'

The back right hand bed will contain a multi stem Betula jacquemontii which will provide all year round interest, especially in the Winter, with it's striking white bark. This will also be underplanted with Japanese Anemones, Astrantia, Vinca and Hakonechloa macra.
The bed behind the bike box will have a central Viburnum tinus, providing all year colour and will be surrounded by Hakonechloa and Hebe albicans.
The horizontal batten fencing, painted Urban slate to contrast with the planting, will be softened with fragrant Trachelospernum jasminoides and Rosa 'Adelaide D'Orleans' and Spring interest will be provided by Galanthus nivalis (snowdrops), Fritillaria melaegris and Muscari 'Grape Ice'.
The visualisation below shows the view from the kitchen.

l look forward to sharing progress on this garden over the next few weeks.