It's been a long project, with lock down halting work between March - July, but my N12 Dog Friendly Garden is finished.
The dog friendly elements include a perimeter path, a pet friendly artificial lawn and all plants, which are non toxic to dogs.
The existing Apple tree was overgrown and hidden behind other badly placed trees. I wanted to make this a key feature of the garden so we pruned and reshaped it and designed a custom bench to create an alternative seating area, which would be in dappled shade for the latter part of the day. Aromatic Lavender provides a fragrant back drop to the bench with the long lived blooms of Geranium Rozanne cascading over the sides of the retaining walls. A Mortimer Sackler rose will eventually cloak the fencing with it's fragrant pink flowers.
The left hand side of the garden, which gets morning sun,contains an evergreen backbone of Trachelospernum jasinoides and shrubs including Viburnum tinus and Choisya dewitteana 'Aztec Pearl, interspered with ornamental grasses, Japanese anemones and Persicaria affinis 'Superba'
A Ceanothus (Californian Lilac) will provide Spring colour and coverage for the shed on the right hand side with a similar range of plants to the opposite side including Ajuga reptans 'Caitlens Giant' and a Amelanchier lamarckii to balance the height in the opposite corner.
And just to give you an idea of the transformation that has taken place, here's a before shot.
I look forward to seeing this garden develop over time.