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Writer's pictureSarah Kay

Happy New Year - gardening jobs for January

2022 is here and with January usually comes some colder weather. Spring is on it's way though so now is the time to prepare your garden for the coming seasons.

  1. Prune Apple and Pear trees

Remove dead, diseased and congested stems to create an open goblet shape with leader cut back by a third and removing any stems pointing inwards.

2. Plant bare root roses, shrubs, hedging and trees

Now is the time to buy and plant bare root trees, shrubs, hedging and roses as long as the ground isn't frozen.

3. Keep birds fed and watered

Top up your bird baths regularly and consider making easy bird feeders with lard, bird seed and twine.

4. Look out for Hellebore black spot

Remove any Hellebore leaves with black blotches to keep your Hellebores free of black spot.

5. Winter prune Wisteria

Prune wispy shoots (pruned in June/July) further to 2/3 buds to encourage strong flowering spurs.

Just a few small jobs in the garden this Winter will really help encourage strong healthy growth in your plants for the coming season.

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