Now we are well into Spring, it seems like the frosts have passed and the growing season is well under way. Here's my top 5 gardening jobs to get stuck into this May.
Tie in Climbers
Climbers will be putting on lots of new growth at this time so protect new stems by tying them into a fence or trellis with twine.
2. Feed Spring bulbs
Let the foliage on daffodils and tulips die back naturally but give the soil around the bulbs a liquid feed to help encourage stronger blooms next year.
3. Dead head Choisya
Cut back Choisya flower heads after flowering to encourage another flush of flowers later on in the season.
4. Set up a good watering regime
Water early in the morning or preferably in the evening to prevent too much evaporation and collect and recycle as much rain water as possible.
5. Top dress containers
Now is the time to give your containers some slow release plant food and top dress with some new compost to add in extra nutrients for the coming year.