Christmas is nearly here - why not use that extra time off work to tidy up the garden and work off those extra Christmas pounds. Here's my top 5 December gardening jobs.

Make a Christmas wreath with cuttings from the garden
There's lots of foliage to be found around your garden which can be used for Christmas wreaths. Ivies, Skimmia, Holly and any type of conifer make the perfect background foil for dried orange slices, cinnamon sticks and dried seed heads. The image above was my 2020 wreath. Look out for my 2021 coming soon......
2. Plant a tree

We all know how beneficial trees are to combating climate change and reducing air pollution and now is the perfect time to plant a tree in your garden. Don't worry if you only have a small space or you rent - many trees such as Acers and Olives love to be potted.
3. Plant fragrant shrubs near a doorway or path

Many winter flowering shrubs such a Sarcococca and Daphne oderata are highly fragrant. Position one near a doorway or path to awaken the senses as you leave the house.
4. Feed the birds

Help birds to find Winter food in your garden by hanging up a couple of bird feeders. Really easy to make with some lard and bird seed.
5. Prune climbing roses

In the first year after planting cut back lightly by a few inches and remove any remaining foliage. After the second summer and beyond cut back the previous season's flowering shoots to 5-10cm from the main stem.
Happy December gardening!