The planting for my E11 Wanstead Family garden evolved from the initial plans for a variety of reasons during the life of the project.

I was keen to keep the existing Cherry Tree in the plans as I felt it provided a focal point and privacy from the neighbours behind but my client was unhappy with the shallow roots coming up through the lawn. We decided
to replace the Cherry with an Amelanchier lamarckii, which provides two seasons of interest with flowers in Spring and great Autumn colour, but it a small enough tree to not overwhelm the garden or cast too much shade.

The Amelanchier is the focal point of an L shaped bed on the shadier side of the garden, which is wrapped around a bench seating area and contain partial shade tolerant Polystichum ferns, Luzula nivea grasses interspursed with Astrantia and Fritillaria bulbs for early season colour. The existing climbing Hydrangea will eventually grow over and soften the fencing.

The main planting area is an L shaped raised bed which separates the patio from the lawn area and contains a Cercis chinensis 'Avondale' as the focal point. Evergreen structure and colour is provided by three Pittosporum 'Tom Thumb' and Festuca glauca grasses positioned throughout the bed. Seasonal interest is provided by the bright pink berries of the Cercis and Astrantia major in Spring, by the pink flowers of the Spirea japonica and Allium sphaerocephalon in Summer and the late season colour of the Hylotelephium. Trachelospernum jasminoides and Clematis armandii 'Apple Blossom' will provide an evergreen, fragrant cloak for the boundary.

The sunny patio is the perfect site for herb growing, with three light grey planters containing a variety of culinary herbs for easy access from the kitchen.
I look forward to returning to see this garden mature in the Spring.